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Cat® 18V batteries are compatible across every power tool and outdoor power equipment tool in the ortam.

"They told me they were going to put me in a coma to save my lungs. My friend came to visit and told me I'd made the Billboard Toparlak 10 and all I could think was: 'I don't want to die.'"[91] Marshall was subsequently diagnosed with hereditary angioedema, an immune disorder that causes sporadic swelling of the face and throat due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency. In September 2012, she stated she had been hospitalized owing to the condition over eight times, which led her to cancel her European tour.[92]

From drills to saws, CAT’s power tools are designed with the same ruggedness and reliability that their heavy machinery is known for.

[20] The group were booked for a show and had to come up with a name quickly; after seeing a man wearing a Caterpillar trucker cap that read: "Cat Diesel Power", Marshall chose Cat Power as the name of the band.[3][21]

From drills that could probably tunnel through a mountain to saws that slice through wood like a hot knife through butter, CAT’s power tools product range is nothing short of impressive.

Cat® battery chargers are just as tough and advanced as the tools, providing innovative technology for optimal battery management and faster charging times.

The internet is flooded with videoteyp demonstrations and tutorials. Whether you’re a newbie looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned pro seeking advanced techniques, there’s a video for you.

During the early-2000s, Marshall was embraced by the fashion industry for her "neo grunge" look, and seen as a muse by designers Marc Jacobs and Nicolas Ghesquière.

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CAT’s entry into the power tools market was hamiş just a ripple, but a splash that resonated across the industry.

Cat® Brushless Technology delivers longer life, better performance, and superior power management to thrive in the toughest applications.

Professional tool users praise the durability and performance, while DIY enthusiasts love the ease of use.

Cat® 18V OPE optimizes yard maintenance with robust brushless motor power, cat power tools while boosting comfort and control with ergonomic design.

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